Thursday, 29 October 2009

Fashion Faux Pas?

Okay. Is it bad that...

1. I'm not a fan of thigh high boots. Everyone seemed to go OMGOSH OMGOSH OMGOSH when Prada showed those digusting wader things. I was just left baffled. Who would wear that? Okay maybe catwalk looks aren't exactly designed for everyday wear. But still. Just look at them! (not my picture)

2. I'm still thinking about Autumn Winter while everyone's moved on to Summer already. Seriously. It's cold. I can't even ponder little shorts and tiny dresses when all I want to do is wrap up in my snood and a giant duffle coat (which Topshop sold out of before I got it. Soooo sad)

On that note. Here's some pictures from August Vogue.

Random. Anyway.
3. I'm listening to Mika whilst attempting to read 'Mein Kampf' for History. Not a good combo.


  1. the boots in the first photo are insane!

  2. i like these pics



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