Sunday 8 November 2009

Sorry about this...

I'm being a bit whimpish on the blogging front at the moment. Sorry about that. But I've got work to the max and bleh. So it's my... new weeks eve resolution to post every day. Though there probably won't be any dramatic graphics or outfits (though thats because I literally have no nice clothes) but! I will post something every day.

Omgosh. I am actually amazed. I'm currently watching James May's Toy Stories (yes I'm that cool) and he's going to make a giant garden out of plasticine for Chelsea Flower Show :O

Just found you a snazzy little picture on google (my lovely friend google). But how amazing is that!

Also. I've just found this thing (Again) called Fashion Air... not quite sure what it is yet but I must of signed up for it ages ago. As far as I can tell it's loads of videos of very cool people with really nice clothes.. :)


Until tomorrow.


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